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Geordan and Nace Roberts - Day 2

Today is Day 2 with the founders and owners of Grid Down Chow Down, brothers Geordan and Nace Roberts! The brothers are “cookin’ “ again today as they demonstrate how to prepare the meat and make nachos! Hear how and why the business started and how the company places a Christian tract in every package.They also discuss the state of the cattle industry today and its current challenges. Go to the Grid Down Chow Down affiliate page to read more and to Subscribe & Save!

Airdate: March 28th 2025

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The Jim Bakker Show

Sixteen years to the date that Pastor Jim Bakker made the last broadcast from PTL, he and his wife Lori launched their new television ministry. The story of their life together and their television show, The Jim Bakker Show, are proof of the restoration of God’s Love.

The Jim Bakker Show is an hour-long daily Christian broadcast that is aired throughout the United States, Canada, and the entire world through multiple broadcasts on Directv, Dish Network and other world wide satellites, and the PTL Television Network.

Join Jim and Lori as they bring to the stage today’s greatest prophets, health experts, and leaders of the Christian world to discuss and understand Biblical prophecy and the Revelations of Gods Word.


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