The PTL TV Network is pleased to announce the Fall 2015 Prime Time Lineup of leading edge, Christian programing. The networks purpose is to provide a platform for todays prophets drawing from all aspects of Christian life.
From the Biblical to the prophetic, better health and inspiration, the PTL TV Network is resolved to deliver classic and frontline media to the world. This programing has been carefully selected to bring you Jesus and His message right where you are, with teaching that is designed to connect the generations. Airing from 7pm to 10pm CT, these shows will teach, inspire and bring clarity in a time of great revelation.
Stay tuned to the PTL Television Network to check for the new and exciting programs to come!
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Join Jim and Lori Bakker with co-hosts, Zach Drew and Sasha Volz as they bring to the stage todays greatest prophets, experts on health and inspirational leaders of the Christian Community. In this daily television broadcast, discussions range from Biblical prophecy and the upheavals happening in our world today to what is best for a healthy mind, body and spirit. All of this with the added warmth of music, testimony and fellowship.
Discover the latest-breaking news and information on cutting-edge topics such as religion, prophecy, discovery, and the supernatural through in-depth, investigative reports. Team up with hosts Tom Horn, Derek Gilbert and the News Raiders Team as they uncover mysteries in the field of theology and prophecy.
Listen to the worlds leading news source for a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview; providing a positive alternative to the mainstream media. Rick Wiles hosts a variety of experts in the topics of politics, world news and Revelation as they report, analyze, and comment on global events and trends.

Watch Rick Joyner as he illuminates current events with direct, informative and intelligent thought. Covering a multitude of topics happening now in our world, Joyners unapologetic insights provide a prophetic twist and biblical perspective along with riveting discussions that are both timely and thought provoking.
Follow Jim Bakker on an epic journey through the Book of Revelation and see Revelation events unfold before your very eyes using examples from motion pictures and real life events! Read the Scriptures with direct translations and word studies in the original Greek and Hebrew to enhance your understanding of this prophetic text. Learn what is coming in these 28 lessons!
Boldly go to the front lines of Christianity with Joel Richardson as he reveals a raw glimpse of what God is doing among the nations. The Underground will not only bring the news to you, but will be a source of strength and stability in the midst of a world that is constantly shifting.