Glory Road TV is hosted by Dr. Candice Smithyman, she teaches on the supernatural and soul transformation, she also hosts international prophetic voices from around the world to uplift and encourage the listeners to a deeper and more profound relationship with Jesus Christ.
Guests include Sid Roth, Guillermo Maldonado, Johnathan Cahn, Bill Hamon, Jane Hamon, Patricia King, David Herzog, Randy Clark, James Goll, Katie Souza, Joan Hunter, and others.
The interview show focuses on many subjects that revolve around prophecy, healing, faith and the supernatural working power of God. Guest will often pray and prophesy over the viewers.

Candice Smithyman
Dr. Candice Smithyman is an apostolic and prophetic...
Dr. Candice Smithyman is an apostolic and prophetic revivalist & healing minister who is Founder of Dream Mentors International. She is also Host of the Glory Road Television broadcast on Faith Networks, PTL, Pioneer, King, Precious TV among others. She is also the host of Your Path to Destiny on Sid Roth’s Its Supernatural Network and has appeared many times on It’s Supernatural. She is author of Heavenly Portals, Angels of Fire, and Releasing Heaven among other books and publications. For a full bio you may visit: www.candicesmithyman.com
Full Bio: www.candicesmithyman.com
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