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Prophecy USA is a program specifically designed to unveil the hidden mystery of America’s role in Bible Prophecy. Hosted by Richard Pearson.

Richard Pearson
Richard Pearson is a 1977 Graduate of...
Richard Pearson is a 1977 Graduate of Oral Roberts University, former missionary pilot, and CEO of several Canadian transportation companies.
In 1986 Richard had a spiritual experience that left Him awestruck concerning things coming to North America, specifically The United States of America. Upon receiving personal counselling from Oral Roberts, Richard was put on the Board of Regents of the University and served on the executive Board for 21 years. He was acting chairman of OREA of Canada and presently sits on the Canadian Board of John Hagee Ministries.
During his 21 years of serving on the ORU Board, He travelled to over 35 countries ministering with university medical mission outreaches. At the same time, he was the CEO of several Canadian bus transportation companies involving both operational and Franchised Distributorships of Blue Bird and Girardin Bus Manufacturers
In 1995 Richard founded Richard Pearson Ministries, Inc. 501 C3. and in 2019, Richard Pearson Ministries of Canada. In 2015 He received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the prestigious Canada Christian College and is ordained under Gospel Crusades International Ministerial Association of Bradenton Florida.
Richard is now retired from his CEO positions in business. In Association with Bible Discovery TV, on March 15, 2020, two days after Covid 19 pandemic was announced to America, Richard launched a Nationwide television program called Prophecy USA. He is seen on the NRB, TCT, PTL networks and Canadian Vision TV networks nationwide.
Richard has written a book called THE HOUR that changes everything documenting in scripture everything He was shown coming to the USA. Some events have come to pass, some are taking place and still others are waiting fulfillment. His goal is to clearly unveil in scripture the hidden mystery of America’s role in Bible Prophecy.
Richard and His wife Karen reside in Brantford Ontario Canada, and winter in Clearwater Florida.
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