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The Courts of Heaven with Robert Henderson is designed to equip and train people in how to get unanswered prayers, answered. People from all over the world are experiencing breakthrough that before the principles were enacted, were frustrated and left in want and need. As they have learned these scriptural truths, they have found themselves the recipients of God’s grace and power in their life and family. Robert from a strong Biblical perspective, unlocks an understanding that allows us to petition God as Judge and stand in the holy place called the Courts of Heaven.

Robert Henderson
Robert Henderson is a global apostolic leader who...
Robert Henderson is a global apostolic leader who operates in revelation and impartation. His teaching empowers the body of Christ to see the hidden truths of scripture clearly and apply them for breakthrough results. Driven by a mandate to disciple nations through writing and speaking, Robert travels extensively around the globe, teaching on the apostolic, The kingdom of God, the Seven Mountains and most notably, The Courts of Heaven.
He has been married to Mary for 43 years. They have six children and seven grandchildren. Together they are enjoying life in Waco, Texas.
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